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Calling all aspiring writers! (and we’re all aspiring really)

Do you have a novel, some short stories, a screenplay, or a memoir you’d like feedback on? Would you like the support of a writers’ group or the structure of a deadline? How about help drafting or polishing a query letter to submit to agents? Do you have questions about publishing? Or about writing for TV/film?

We’d love to help! This summer, please join us, author Willa C. Richards, and author and screenwriter J.M. Holmes, for a four-week Writers’ Workshop Intensive. We’ll read one another’s work and meet once a week to provide feedback on your work in progress. All prose writers– fiction, nonfiction, memoir, screenwriting– are welcome. All stages welcome. Your project does not need to be done to participate.

If you’ve been waiting to return to a project, wanting to start writing again, or hoping to get invaluable feedback on your work, this is your chance! This will be a warm, encouraging, inclusive, and inspiring environment. Please join us!

Where: Hybrid of in-person and remote depending on participants’ locations/availability. Willa and J.M. are located in Altadena, California.

When: Anticipated start date is FIRST WEEK OF JUNE. Course will run for four weeks. Meetings will run approximately 1.5 hours long.

Cost: The base price is $400 for the entire course. This cost includes light editing of your ms and a personalized letter with actionable feedback from either Willa or J.M*. Sliding scale admission is available based on need (for real, we want dedicated writers and readers so if that’s you and 400$ is waaaay too steep, let us know and we’ll try to make it happen for whatever you can afford) TWO FREE SLOTS WILL ALSO BE AUCTIONED OFF! So hit us up and let us know if you’d like to put your name in.

*Additional services available as time permits. Prices available upon inquiry:

-manuscript editing/feedback

-script editing/feedback

-pitch prep

-development help

-industry consulting

Space will be limited for this first session cause really big workshops tend to be less productive and we already have three folks committed so please inquire at the email address below to reserve your spot as soon as possible!